Tagged: futures

No One Can Beat the Market

By Fred Evans – June 8, 2017


“No one can beat the market.” — Edwin Lefevre


Isn’t that a fine statement from a man who enjoyed an 18-year career encouraging people to trade futures?


He had a point: There’s evidence that only two in ten people will be successful speculating on the market, and if those two stay in the market long enough they too will lose.

Marketing Lessons Learned From a Pro

By Fred Evans – March 30, 2017


A young grain producer and I were recently speaking about marketing and he expressed frustration in his quest to do a good job at pricing his crops.  While he does an excellent job of producing his crops on the 1,000+ acres he farms, he feels out of his league when he ventures into the world of grain marketing at the CME.  I acknowledged his concerns and encouraged him to keep learning as much as he could about marketing, and to practice a degree of patience.

I explained to this producer that achieving a level of comfort and success with marketing often takes years.